Hi everyone! The past year since returning home from my mission has been full of ups and downs. From marrying my best friend to finding out I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. Every day is a learning experience. I am learning to be happy despite any challenge. I wanted to create a place where I can share my stories and experiences so others might find more hope for happiness.
Visit my new blog here!
Time for a mission

When I decided to leave on a mission 5 months ago I knew I had just signed up for the hardest thing I will have ever done. And I hadn't even thought about how hard it would be to say goodbye to all my family, friends, students and loved ones. I have been so blessed to be surrounded by the best people all my life. They have helped me become who I am today. I love every memory and moment we share. Saying goodbye is a scary and heartbreaking thing. Although I am very sad to say goodbye I can't wait to say Hello to the people in Nicaragua. I can't wait to fall in love with them like I have with my friends here. I can't wait to share the joy I feel every day because of the Gospel with my brothers and sisters in Nicaragua. Because I have been given much I too must give. I know it will be a great reunion when I return and am reunited with all my loved ones. Right now I am locking them in my heart to keep safe while I serve the Lord. I have already felt my heart grow 2 sizes bigger to fit all the people I will meet in Nicaragua. I love my Lord, I know this is the true church and that is why I must serve.
I can't say thank you enough for all the love I felt from everyone! I think I may be the luckiest girl in the world to be surrounded by such incredible people. God be with you til we meet again!
To follow my mission check out my mission blog here:
A Farewell
April 30th I will be leaving to serve in the Managua Nicaragua North Mission! Sunday, April 28th, I will be speaking in church at 1:00. I would love to see any or all of you there. Our church building is on the corner of 9600 N. 6000 W. in Highland. Later that evening we will be having an open house from 6:00-7:30. There will be refreshments, visiting, goodbyes and lots of laughs. All are welcome to stop by! This will be held at my home. I would love to see you at church and/or the open house later on!
A Weekend in St. George
My BESTIE Lauren accompanied me on a quick trip to St. George this weekend. I was headed to the sunny city to work! My cute girls did INCREDIBLE at their dance competition and as always, I had a blast watching them on stage. Lauren was sweet enough to take pictures, make food runs and get all the dances on camera. We had way too much fun in our free time exploring the city, catching some sun-rays and pulling late nights!
BUT so happy to be where the sun shines and with my best friend!
With my favorite girl at my favorite place.
Loved our session at the St. George Temple.
Our guilty pleasure.... SUSHI!
Air shot attempts....Too many Laughs!
Failed attempt - WAY TOO LATE!
Pictures with a few of my competition classes!Aspire- This group quickly became one of my favorite to teach this year. They are such hard workers and sweet girls. They got first with this cute dance at every competition! FIERCE LADIES!!
My adorable STARZ. These girls have more personality than I thought possible. I love them each for their individual quirks. This Disco Inferno dance also took first. Cutest things on stage!
Off to compete!
My Psycho, Diva, Ninja, Hip Hop Girls! This dance is always a blast to watch. Thanks to this song we all know how to count in Japanese now!
Evolution- These cute girls are going to be phenomenal dancers when they grow up and already are! This dance has one overall awards at every competition! They are just stunning on stage. I want to squeeze them all.
Excel- This cute group just gets better and better every day. I love working with them and seeing all their cute personalities come out.
I wish I could include pictures of all my groups but.... that would mean 20+ pictures!! Everyone did so wonderful at competition and it was a blessing to be there with them.
Our many faces after a long day at a Dance Competition for my girls.
I am so grateful for my job as a dance teacher. These girls have changed my life forever. Seeing them is always the best part of my day. I can't believe I get paid to dance with some of the best girls I have ever known. What a dream! I love them all so much and am heart broken to say goodbye. I can't wait to see how much they have grown as dancers and young women when I return though. SPARKLE BABY! Love you girls!
a SAN FRANtastic Trip
Our trip consisted of A LOT of eating.....
Palace of Fine Arts - stunning.
They said Planet of the Apes was filmed here.... my reaction.
Trees so big you can fit in them.
The Bridge!
Japanese Tea Gardens - so BEAUTIFUL.
I thought an Egyptian pose was appropriate for the Japanese Gardens....
Trying to achieve Zen by copying the statue.
My poor future husband now has to deal with the fact that I have been to Sausalito and I have my heart set on a beach front mansion. 30 million for a home isn't too outrageous...right?
Night Sky
The moon and the stars never let me down.
I know every night, no matter where in the world I am, they will come out and pour their light over my skin. They will sprinkle light over the skin of those I miss around the world as well.
They protect my loved ones for me when we are apart.
The stars keep me from feeling alone.
Something about the night sky makes me wonder about.....forever.
I feel like I could swim through the sky, tip toe on the stars and lay on the moon for eternity.
Mystery and possibility draw me to it over and over again.
I feel like the stars come out each night to give me comfort and a reminder that we are all living in the same world.
Everyone sees the same stars and the same moon.
The moon and the stars remind me of him.
They help me remember the crisp night air and the warm embrace of his arms.
They remind me of his whispers, our regretful and impossible goodbyes and the quiet "I love you's".
They remind me of the many nights they kept us company as we laid and admired them in each others arms.
The dark sky helps me hold on to the nights we danced by the light of the moon and talked quietly til morning.
The stars remind me of the perfect night we spent walking along the beach, dancing on the balcony and watching fireworks over the ocean.
They remind me of the night he played piano for me until I felt like I was floating.
They remind me he is still there,
looking at the same moon and same stars.
Just in a different place....
The stars understand that we are not alone and help us through the hard times.
Stars help me remember there is much more out there than my small worries.
There is an entire universe of happenings going on.
So it is okay to "let it go", be a little irresponsible and take risks.
It is okay to not have it all together because no one else looking up at the stars does either.
They give everyone something beautiful to look forward to at the end of each day.
And the night sky holds all the possibility of a wonderful tomorrow.
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