
November 18, 2012

Due to "popular demand" (wink wink) I am back!  Life has been crazy busy and I feel guilty for not posting as of lately.  Hopefully I will get back in the swing of things and post a couple times a month.
The past couple months have been nothing short of INSANE.  I moved back out, am attending school, working like a mad women and having adventures everyday!  First off,  I have to say I lucked out and got the most amazing roommates anyone could ask for.  Seriously, these girls mean more to me than they probably know.  I love coming home after a long day, collapsing to the floor out of pure exhaustion and then laughing the night away with my roommates.  Second,  I think I may have the greatest job on this planet.  I get to teach my favorite thing, dance, to some of the most darling girls out there.  Nothing beats arriving at the studio and having 10 little girls run up to you yelling "Miss Savannah!" then giving you a great big hug.  I love these girls!  Third,  I some how got lucky enough to meet a great guy and have adventures with him the past couple of months.  We talked, sang, danced, traveled and laughed!  Thailand is lucky to have him for the next two years.  Good luck Jesse! Love you!

Here is a video of some adventures from the past couple months.  (Please excuse the wobbly camera.  I have defiantly not become a pro with the iphone yet ha)

Adventures from Savannah Kendall on Vimeo.

Now that we have the quick update out of the way, time for the important part of this blog, being inspired.  I, like I am sure all of you, LOVED General Conference last month.  One of my favorite talks came from Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf.  At one point he said "Don't wait until you are ready to die, to decide to live." Wow.  This talk reminded me of a quote I like from Buddha, "The trouble is, you think you have time."  Life is short, really short, we can't waste time being unhappy, hating others, having regrets, holding back or being afraid.  Say what you feel, spend time with those you love, make memories worth remembering, go crazy every once in awhile, because time is passing by and once it is gone there is no getting it back.

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