
July 1, 2012

It's almost here! Over the years the 4th of July has made its way to the number one spot on my favorite holiday's list.  I have fallen in love with the barbeques, the sparklers, the watermelon, the sun, the poppers and the summer night sky brought to life by explosions of color.  I hope you all have a lovely 4th!

President Monson always seems to have beautiful quotes that say exactly what I need to hear.  My newest favorite quote of his says "Don't save something for a special occasion.  Every day of your life is a special occasion."  Now that summer has hit and life has slowed down for a few minutes, it has become easy for me to coast by day to day.  After reading this quote I felt completely guilty for not making the most out of my time each day.
Make the time count because it goes by too fast. And once it is gone, you can't get it back! Decide to make today meaningful and memorable! 

P.S. The blog has over gone a makeover, as I am sure you can tell. Let me know what you think!

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