
I love to see the Temple.

It has been a busy, productive, exciting and wonderful week. January 19, 2013 is a day I will always remember.  I will remember it as the day I went to the Temple.  The day I made sacred covenants with my Heavenly Father.  And the day I got the tiniest glimpse into the blessings and happiness this gospel has in store for the true and faithful.
This week while preparing to enter the Lords house I felt curious, excited and very anxious.  It dawned on me that I am growing up. I am an adult.  This is so very real and of eternal importance.  I thought of the song "I Love To See The Temple" often.  It seemed just a few years ago I was singing the beautiful song in Primary thinking it would be "FOREVER" until I went to the Temple.  Well "forever" came a lot faster than I thought it would and I was not going inside "someday" I was going inside today,  And I am so glad I did. The Temple is an incredible place and I can't wait to return.  I am always in awe of the love and blessing Heavenly Father gives his children.  I am so grateful for this simple and true gospel.  I know it is true.  I am grateful for my opportunity to share it.  Life seems so real right now.  I seem to be gaining a greater understanding of what is of eternal importance and should take priority in my life.  God loves his children and wants them to be happy.  I hope we can always remember that.

This week was also exciting because one of the studios I work at had their winter concert.  This year we put on the production "Peter Pan".  It was a fantastic show!  I loved seeing my sweet students on stage.  They made the cutest "Lost Boys" I have ever seen.  

Here are a few pictures of some of my students and the adventures we had backstage.

And as always my students spoil me rotten! I only wish I hadn't made the New Year's Resolution to only eat sweets on holidays....

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